Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Little Puppy

She opened the door.
And there it was.
A face that is always so innocent.
A pair of eyes that always melts her heart.
A small and cuddy body that always warms her.

It always comes running to her,
To lick her,
To play with her,
Or wanting her to scratch it.

Its furry body makes it cute,
Its actions make it even cuter.
If it is at fault,
It will whimper and go to one corner,
As though reflecting on its mistakes.
If it is hungry,
It will give her a puppy face,
As though wanting her to give it more food.

All its cuteness,
All its innocence,
Makes it more lovable.
As the door closes,
It sits at that very spot,
Waiting for the door to be open again.

She closes the door,
And smile to herself happily.

She can’t wait to open the door again.

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